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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

3-D Shapes Cut and Paste Freebie

This week we've been learning about 3-D shapes. I made this cut and paste for a quick review. I thought about adding it to my 3-D Shapes unit but, then decided it would be more fun to give it away to my blog readers for free. :) Click on the picture below to download it.

Clip art by Ginger Snaps Art

Next week my kids are learning about probability. I'm working on a little unit right now for that. My students in previous years have really struggled with the probability vocabulary (likely, unlikely, certain, and impossible). Hopefully, I can come up with some fun ways to cure that. I'll keep you posted!


  1. THANKS so much!!!! I was looking for an assessment and I think this is what I will use :)
    you are sooooo talented!

  2. Thanks so much!!!! I love it, I was looking for an assessment piece, and I think I will use it!!!
    you are sooooo creative! THANKS!

  3. Hi was wondering who was the publisher of this Worksheet and the year it came out thanks

  4. Thank you for providing this activity for free!

  5. Thank you ! This helped a lot.

  6. I love how creative your teaching methods are.
