Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Little Update with Pictures!

Hey y'all! Sorry I've been away for so long! Life has been super busy lately. Here's a little update in picture form:

My precious hubby turned 30!

My friend Angie from Royal Cookies and Design made him these adorable cookies of his favorite things.

We kicked off Fall Break by going to Lake Tahoe!

Spent some time with this cutie! 

And now for the  BIG news! I was offered a position at my school as an Academic Interventionist! I've always dreamed of being an interventionist! It was a hard decision to leave my class in the middle of the year, but I agreed when they told me they were going to offer my teaching position to one of our amazing faculty members.

I spent the rest of my fall break transforming my new office. Here is the before:
 And the after:

Teaching space

This small back room is my personal office space.

I also got to put my notice sewing skills to good use. I made the chevron curtains and pillows. :)

Be sure to check back in tomorrow. I'm going to have a week full of fun giveaways to celebrate these wonderful new changes and this amazing fall weather!

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